Posted by Krystal Duhaney, RN, BSN, IBCLC Jan 18th, 2023

Milky Mama Of The Month! Nya Powell

Milky Mama Of The Month! Nya Powell

Milky Mama of the Month! Spotlighting Nya Powell

Welcome to a new year and a new edition to Milky Mama of the Month. We are so excited to introduce Nya Powell as our first Milky Mama feature of 2023.


Nya’s Breastfeeding Journey

Nya is a mom to her 6 month old son. She has been breastfeeding him since birth. Nya said it took her about 2 to 3 months to get the hang of breastfeeding.

Nya has dealt with a variety of difficulties while breastfeeding and pumping these past six months. She has experienced a ton of ups and downs. Her son was in the NICU for a month after birth, which isn’t easy for anyone. It took her about a week before her milk really came in. She had trouble with him latching and said, “it made me sad to think I wasn’t giving my baby all that he needed”.

Nya admits that once her baby was finally able to come home, it was hard to balance his eating schedule with her pumping schedule.

However, Nya adds, “he has been thriving on my breast milk and if you were to see my 6 month old now, you would never believe that he was born 2 lbs and 15 oz.” Way to keep with it mama!


Nya Overcomes Difficulties

Nya struggles with low milk production, severely clogged ducts and extremely raw nipples. She sought out help from lactation specialists and is lucky to have a supportive and informative mom circle. She learned how to lubricate her nipples before pumping. She also learned that using sunflower lecithin is helpful for her clogged ducts. She uses Milky Mama products to help increase her milk supply. Nya admits, “at times, it was stressful, but support from my friends and family helped me realize that all I can do is try my best.”

Nya says her baby is thriving off her breast milk now. He was born at 32 weeks and spent a month in the NICU. She now has pease of mind because he is growing to be big and strong.

Recently Nya started supplementing with formula. She finds it helpful, but does not want to fully rely on formula, so she is still nursing while she is home with her baby, but mostly pumping now. Like all of us mamas, Nya says “giving him the best is all I want for my baby boy.” We totally agree, Nya, and you’re doing a great job!!


Nya’s Advice

Nya’s advice to all mamas is “Don't put pressure on yourself. Don't think that you're not doing enough. Just remember, all you can ask for is to put your best foot forward everyday. As long as you work on it, your milk will come and your baby will thrive.”

Nya adds, “Breastfeeding has, in a weird way, solidified that I have been doing everything right by my baby. Milky Mama has helped me with my production more than once and allows me to feel confident that all the nutrients he is getting will make him grow big and strong. With my supply being so up and down and sometimes not being able to pump out more than 2 or 4 oz had me concerned. But then I remember that my ducts get clogged easily, and that I have Milky Mama products now that help me produce more milk than I know what to do with. I am so grateful for these products.” And we are so glad our products have helped you!


Way to go, mama! We love that Nya has shared her unique experience with us. Nya loves breastfeeding and has learned not to give up. We hope by reading her story, you can learn from her experiences as well. We here at Milky Mama hope that hearing a story straight from one breastfeeding mama will help you know you’re not alone and to never forget, you’ve got this, mama!

Do you want to be featured as our next Milky Mama of the Month!? Join our mailing list to get the updated form link! Reading about other mother’s breastfeeding experiences can help us not feel so alone. Keep checking back monthly for our Milky Mama of the month! 

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