Customer Reviews

Based on 8975 reviews
Great bundle

I felt like my milk production was in a decline and this bundle helped me in a pinch. I will say the only item I didn’t care for was the taste of the lemonade powder in my water. I ended up tossing the two left over bags.

Brownies and Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

Both are awesome highly recommend, I’ll be ordering more soon

Great - But ‘Emergency’ is a little misleading

The brownies are great and after 9 days, I noticed difference in volume and fat content. The name of ‘emergency’ brownies feels misleading because most women do take up to a week to notice a difference with eating these brownies. Great overall, but doesn’t meet the ‘emergency’ requirements 😅

Delicious Snacks

I recommend this snack especially for the night when you get hungry .

Tastes great!

It taste really good i would like to try the other flavors but they are sold out


Helped with let down Made me feel full.

The brownies are really good. Just hoping my supply will come back.

Delicious and quickly help increase my supply!

Sampler Pack

I really enjoyed getting to try the variety of different products from Milky Mama. I enjoyed the taste of all the products! Will definitely be purchasing more.


A great mixture if peanut butter and chocolate without being too sweet!,My kids even trys to eat them!

Delicious and Helpful

Not only are these brownies delicious, but i feel like within a couple days of having just one a day, my supply is increased by about an oz 🫶🏻

Lady Leche
Michelle C.


Dairy Duchess
Michelle C.
Love it

Awesome will purchase again

Lady Leche
Works good

It works good, works better (for me) if I use along with the brownies/cookies. Right now I take lady leche by itself when I wake up to help through out the day and once before bed and normally have to pump through out the night


I’m 5 weeks pp and I bought these hoping they would increase my milk production. While pumping I would usually get 2-3oz every session for both ****. I’ve been eating 2 of these a day (one in the morning and one at night) for the past week, and my production has increased!! Please know in addition to these make sure you keep hydrated and be sure to eat actual food as your body is burning more calories while breastfeeding. I usually would breastfeed a couple times and then give my baby formula if my **** didn’t have enough to supplement, but now my baby is on the boob for the majority of the day and only gets a couple bottles of formula for nighttime while we rest. I’m confident that soon I’ll be able to stop supplementing with formula soon and give him breastmilk only! Just this morning my **** were fuller than ever before with milk and out of one breast I got almost 3oz of milk!!! 100% recommend, you will NOT regret this purchase!


Brownies are delicious. I have been eating them every day and I have notice an increase of milk supply . I’m satisfied. I will be buying more.

Lady Leche
Norma F.
Pretty good

I tried taking this with the other recommended cookies/brownies and without. It helped increase a little, but pairs well with the recommended supplements. My milk production increased with this product and it doesn't taste bad.


The freshest cookie omg it was so good it says recommend 2 a day i think i was like 4 in a day so good!

Lady Leche
Amanda O.

Seriously helped me with painful letdowns. Makes pumping way more tolerable! Personally not a fan of the taste but easily mixes into my daily drinks :)

Welcome Bundle
Alana K.

Brownies are DELICIOUS! After having the recommended intake, I've noticed a difference in milk production in about 2 days. Thought there would be a sample of each cookie flavor however, I'm still satisfied with the quality of products! 10/10 recommend.

Life savers

Thought my journey was over these products are amazing


I was gifted some of these & they tasted great & seemed to help give me fattier milk even if it didn’t give me more milk.

Emergency brownies

The best miracle brownies I’ve had. Went from 1/2oz in a day to 6-8oz every 3 hours. Of course, you must also pump or breastfeed as much as you can during the day for it to work.

These products have been life savers!!