Posted by Krystal Duhaney, RN, BSN, IBCLC Nov 14th, 2022

Milky Mama Of The Month : Kaddi Lucas!

Milky Mama Of The Month : Kaddi Lucas! - Milky Mama

November’s Milky Mama of The Month!

We are so excited and thankful to share with you our next Milky Mama of the Month, Kaddi Lucas!

Kaddi has breastfed two kids. She breastfed for 14 months with her now 3 year old daughter and is currently breastfeeding her 8 week old son! She’s had a different breastfeeding  experience with both kids. With her first baby, Kaddi states it took her about 3-4 months to get the hang of breastfeeding, but with her second baby she was excited to share that it took her no time at all.


Kaddi’s First Experience

Kaddi experienced severe cracked nipples when she started breastfeeding her first born, “I would bite down on a towel as she latched just to tolerate the pain”. Her daughter’s latch improved after discovering her significant tongue and lip tie.

However, her problems didn’t end after fixing the tongue and lip tie. Then Kaddi’s daughter started having awful reflux and some signs of blood her in stool. Kaddi gave up dairy, “and we saw a whole new baby! We had a great rest of our journey…for the most part! I did get mastitis three times!”

Sometimes, while you’re in it, it seems like the battle is overwhelming. However, if you can figure out what is causing the problem, it’s often a simple fix. Kaddi was able to identify the tongue tie and latch issue, then fix her daughter’s reflux issue as well.


Kaddi’s Current Journey

Kaddi is currently nursing her 8 week old son. She exclaims that he latched amazingly right away while in the hospital. Her son also showed signs of reflux and mucus in his stools, so she gave up dairy again, “We are 3 weeks dairy free and he’s shown great improvement!”

Kaddi has also shared she feels like she has a fast let down, or possibly an oversupply, as her son will choke. She’s working on it by pumping at night to prevent clogs and mastitis. Kaddi “Can't wait to see how our breastfeeding journey progresses!”.

While her breastfeeding journey with her son has not been very difficult, Kaddi shared her difficult journey to get to this point with her son,

After having our 3 year old, we experienced recurrent miscarriages...2 within 8 months. It was devastating. When we got pregnant a 3rd time (after meeting with MFM and fertility for testing and a plan), we were excited and beyond scared. That feeling lingered until I finally held my baby boy.

He was hungry shortly after snuggling on my chest. He latched amazing right away! Great suck, swallow, breathe and audible swallows! So exciting! He's been great and we've had a great journey so far.

Kaddi is no stranger to overcoming difficulties! She’s a strong Mama and knows “not to quit on a bad day”! We are so proud of her and happy for her.

Kaddi Shares Her Back to Work Plan

Kaddi is currently home and breastfeeding mostly all the time. She shared that she has pumped and practiced giving her son bottles in preparation for her return to work in a month. When she does return to work, she works on the road all day, so she is able to pump and drive, and she's getting quite used to it! Her office does also have a pumping room for her when she is in the office. How nice!!

While she hasn’t had to supplement, she shares that she is not against it. She stated she would be hesitant to want to supplement, with the recalls and the limited supply of formula, plus her baby being sensitive to dairy, she is nervous to rely on formula. However, she states, “if I needed to do so, I would try to do both to provide breastmilk for as long as possible.”

Kaddi’s Advice

As a mother of two, Kaddi shares her insight and advice to mother’s who are having a bad day, or are just starting out. While she wants to encourage mothers to breastfeed, she knows your mental health and well being have to come first. Keep reading to find motivation and inspiration from our confident Kaddi!

  • If you want to breastfeed, find a great support system.
  • It isn't always easy, but it can be such a beautiful and bonding experience.
  • Never quit on a bad day!
  • Don't sacrifice your mental health and well being to breastfeed your baby. You can pump, supplement or just do formula. Fed is best and Mama's mental health matters, too!
  • Enjoy the little moments. Make eye contact, hold their little hand, and follow your baby's lead in it all. It goes by way too fast and before you know it they're done!

Kaddi, thank you so much for sharing your story with us. If you want to follow Kaddi’s advice and find a support system, please join us in our Facebook group,The Official Milky Mama Lactation Support Group. You can also share encouragement to Kaddi for sharing her story with us.

And remember, you are not alone. We are here to support each other and remind each other, you’ve got this, mama!

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